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Get involved in local issues!



The purposes of this council is to provide a forum for discussion of community issues; to strive to reach all members of the community and communicate their views to the appropriate governmental officials and agencies; and in appropriate circumstances, to act on community issues related to:

​A. Health, safety and welfare of members within the  community,

B. Civic and educational growth within the community,

C. Beautification and cleanliness of the community,

D. Economic growth and environmental quality of the  community,

E. Development of Mission Bay recreational area.


1.  When and where does the MBTC meet? What happens at these meetings?
The meetings are held at the Belmont Park Community Room (above the arcade) the second Wednesday of each month (except August and December) at 6:00 PM.  The meetings are free and open to the public.  Meetings will cover current topics of concern for our neighborhood.  Area representatives will provide updates on issues in their areas.  Our elected officials have representatives present as does the San Diego Police Department and Lifeguards so we are able to share information and address specific concerns. 

2.  What does the MBTC do?  
The board and the active members are working hard, along with elected officials, to make Mission Beach a better and safer place.  Example areas of concern include Safety, Trash, Lighting, Parking, Neighborhood Watch, Good Neighbor Policy, Short Term Rentals, local event approval, Police/Lifeguard/Parks&Rec plans, etc.
3.   Who are our members?  
The Mission Beach Town Council has close to 400 members. Members include: families who want a safe and clean place to raise their children; retirees who want to make Mission Beach a better place; businesses who want to give back to the community; students who want to be more involved and make a difference; new residents who are curious about how things work; and longtime Mission Beach locals who care deeply about preserving our piece of paradise.    

4.  Why should I join?
If you have ever seen something in Mission Beach and said to yourself, "Someone ought to do something about that," or "This really bothers me about the beach area" and want to see positive changes happen sooner rather than later, then we need you.  Even if you just want to support those who are active in making improvements in the community, we need you. Your membership matters.  If you are new to the area and want to meet the movers and shakers of Mission Beach you should join.  If you care about your community, please join and if possible, attend a meeting or two and become an agent for change. 


5.  Who can join, what is the cost, and how do I join?

Please visit our Join Page to join, see eligibility requirements, and to see current membership pricing.  If you would rather donate instead, please visit our Donate Page.






About US

The purposes of this council are to provide a forum for discussion of community issues; to strive to reach all members of the community and communicate their views to the appropriate governmental officials and agencies.


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Mission Beach Town Council, PO Box 9842, San Diego, CA 92169 

© 2022 MISSION BEACH TOWN COUNCIL INC a California 501(c)(4) Corporation.  Created by generous sponsorship of the Felice Agency.

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