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Our Initiatives

These are the initiatives currently underway. If you would like to participate, volunteer or offer resources, please email us today!


Toys for Tots

Each year we collect toy donations for the Toys for Tots program. 


Clean Beaches

We partner with sponsor Don't Trash Mission Beach to conduct quarterly beach cleans. Our members join other community members to do their part to keep our beaches safe and clean. To date we have picked up more than a ton of trash from these events. 


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Clean Beaches

Neighborhood Watch

When we know our neighbors,
our neighborhood is safer!

Neighborhood Watch is vital for a peaceful & safe community:

  • Neighborhood Watch enables residents to take effective action to stop nuisances such as party houses, noise, litter, illegal parking, etc.

  • Neighbors become the eyes and ears of the police to help reduce crime in their neighborhoods.

  • Block Captains form a close relationship with police, contact them directly about what is going on, and get quicker responses

  • A network of Neighborhood Watch groups allows coordinated efforts on community-wide issues.

  • Residents get to know their neighbors and have fun parties!


We are fortunate to have a neighborhood watch liaison that works with our SDPD community relations officer (CRO). Together, they will help you get started and help you maintain your neighborhood watch group.


Contact us and our neighborhood watch coordinator, Marcella Teran, will walk you through the easy steps!

Neighborhood Watch
Brick Wall Graffiti
Graffiti Removal


Mission Beach Residents are committed to reducing graffiti in Mission Beach. Please notify us to help us locate and remove graffiti from our community.


Brick Wall Graffiti
Pastel Colored Buildings

Short Term Rentals

Utility Box Project

Since early 2007, Mission Beach Town Council has supported a community art project in which local artists paint utility boxes with colorful beach-themed murals.  The funding to support this project has come from individual donations, Mission Beach Town Council, and  Mission Beach Woman’s Club.  The money received goes for supplies to clean, prime, paint, and seal the boxes as well as for a small stipend for each artist.   

Click the button below is a sampling of some of the boxes along with their history and location.

ShortTerm Rentals

About US

The purposes of this council are to provide a forum for discussion of community issues; to strive to reach all members of the community and communicate their views to the appropriate governmental officials and agencies.


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Mission Beach Town Council, PO Box 9842, San Diego, CA 92169 

© 2022 MISSION BEACH TOWN COUNCIL INC a California 501(c)(4) Corporation.  Created by generous sponsorship of the Felice Agency.

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