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Beach maintenance

Writer's picture: President MBTCPresident MBTC

On March 3rd MBTC Board Member Marty Zimmerman and I had a meeting with the Director of San Diego Park and Rec, Mr. Andy Fields, and Seamus Kennedy from our District 2 city council office to discuss the beach maintenance in Mission Beach.

Comprehensive enhanced maintenance which levels the sand back from the sea wall to the ocean and redistributes sand throughout the beach as needed as not done been done since around 2005. Our goal in the meeting was to encourage the Park and Rec department to conduct such enhanced maintenance this spring. We were not successful.

The reality is that Park and Rec lacks both the manpower and the equipment to conduct enhanced maintenance. Like many city departments their budget was slashed in 2008 and they remain underfunded and can only conduct basic maintenance on Mission Beach and other city beaches.

One of the major reasons tourists come to San Diego is to enjoy our city’s beaches. The beaches belong to the entire city and are the responsibility of the entire city. To get increased funding for our city beaches we must lobby all nine city council offices in the city and the mayor's office to increase the Park and Rec budget. Over the next several months the budget for the upcoming year will be discussed and a final vote will be made on June 12th.

I encourage you to send emails to the mayor's and all nine city council offices requesting that they increase the funding for the Park and Rec Department so that they can properly maintain one of the most valuable resources in our city.

A sample email follows along with email contact information for all nine city council offices. It would also be helpful to make non-agenda public comment at all city budget hearings. This can be done via Zoom.

One of the major reasons tourists come to San Diego is to enjoy our city’s beaches. The beaches belong to the entire city and are the responsibility of the entire city. Tourism is the third largest segment of San Diego economy. Transit Occupancy Tax is the third largest source of city tax collections behind only property tax and sales tax and tourism contributes to sales tax revenue. Tourism is responsible for one out of every eight jobs in the city and tourism workers live in every city council district throughout the city.
Since 2008 San Diego Park and Rec has been underfunded and condition of the city’s shoreline parks and beaches has deteriorated. Sand management has been reduced to only basic cleaning. Due to a lack of manpower enhanced maintenance such as redistributing the level of sand following winter storms has been discontinued resulting in dangerous and unattractive beaches.
If this trend is allowed to continue our beaches and shoreline parks will become unattractive to tourists and local San Diego residents alike. This will affect the city’s revenue and all city council districts. The deferred maintenance bill will only become higher. I urge all city council members to address the budget needs necessary to provide the Park and Rec Department with the manpower and equipment necessary to properly maintain one of the most valuable resources in our city, its public beaches.

Contact List for San Diego Elected Officials (Updated 3/12/23) INSTRUCTIONS: • Write one letter DO NOT identify your Council District or include your home address! We want each City Official to think the letter writer is a constituent in their district. • ALL NINE Council Members vote on every agenda item. Writing only to your specific Council Member does not accomplish the outcome we need when there are NINE total votes being cast on every agenda item before City Council. We need all Council Membersonboard!!!!! • “Copy” your letter • Click on the emails (livelinks) listed below • Choose “Compose Email” highlighted in orange on the “live email link” • “Paste” your letter and send separately to each Council Member and their Staff members listed below. Very easy! Every email below is a “live link”that will produce an email template MAYOR’SOFFICE Mayor Todd Gloria DeputyDirector of Policy- Matt YagyaganMYagyagan@sandiego.govChief of Staff - Paola Avila-PAvila@sandiego.govDeputy Chief of Staff - Nick Serrano.NSSerrano@sandiego.govCommunity Rep D1 -Matthew GriffithGriffithM@sandiego.govCommunity Rep D2 - Kohta Zaiser.ZaiserK@sandiego.govDirectorof Policy - Jessica CITY COUNCIL DISTRICTS D1 Council Member Joe La Cava 619-236-6611 Chief of Staff - Vicky Joes Policy Director - Kathleen Ferrier Community Outreach Dir. - Steve Hadley D2 Council Member Dr. Jennifer Campbell 619-236-6622 Chief of Staff - Venus Molina 619-533-6229 —————————————————-———————————————————— D3 Council Member Stephen Whitburn 619-236-6633 Chief of Staff - Jesus Cardenas Director of Policy - Jacob O’Neill —————————————————————————————————————-

D4 Council PresidentProTem

Monica Montgomery-Steppe


Chief of Staff - Henry Foster

PSLN Committee Consultant

Tiffany Harrison


D5 Councilmember Marni von Wilpert


Chief of Staff - Jamie Fox

Chief of Policy- Justin Garver


D6 Council Member Kent Lee

(619) 236-6616

Chief of Staff - Sara Kamiab


D7 Councilmember Raul Campillo


Chief of Staff - Michael Simonsen

` 619-236-6765

Chief of Policy-Justine Murray



D8 Councilmember Vivian Moreno


Chief of Staff - Travis Knowles

Chief of Policy KevinSmith


D9 Council President Sean Elo-Rivera


Chief of Staff - Lydia Van Note


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The purposes of this council are to provide a forum for discussion of community issues; to strive to reach all members of the community and communicate their views to the appropriate governmental officials and agencies.


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Mission Beach Town Council, PO Box 9842, San Diego, CA 92169 

© 2022 MISSION BEACH TOWN COUNCIL INC a California 501(c)(4) Corporation.  Created by generous sponsorship of the Felice Agency.

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