The February general meeting of the Mission Beach Town Council will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday February 8th. We will meet this month at THE POINT 1010 Santa Clara Place (turn left at the Santa Clara rec center and go past the ball field).
In person attendance is requested but attendance via zoom is available.
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91281743982?pwd=TnJVRUVqV01GUHUyVGNJSWxIYy9KUT09 Meeting ID: 912 8174 3982 Passcode: 883834
The agenda for this month's meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/un50awjo7ovdhif/AAC-GwffNutdMU3k_0egNroQa?dl=0&preview=02-08-2023++General+Meeting+Agenda.pdf