FEBRUARY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING - The Mission Beach Town Council February General Membership Meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday February 12 in the Community Room at Belmont Park. The meeting is open to all. You may also attend via zoom using the below link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89376951259?pwd=qc7GeqZa17Tcwz1Ua2vGGZ2zK8OXh7.1If you have any questions for our police representatives please submit them to communication@missionbeachtc.com The agenda for the meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dnyozukdnsis3ng6n8wnv/AMMtNmveX45900UIDw6zLOw?e=2&preview=02-12-2025++General+Meeting+Agenda.docx.pdf&rlkey=ctbqm5daus20qmb6gji933o5k&dl=0
MTBC BOARD MEETING MINUTES - The minutes from the January board meeting may be found here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/swtenb1uxiwrr915y89no/ADsqEEBvurbSTG6BjKVFL8U?dl=0&e=1&preview=mbtc+minutes+unapproved+1.1.25.docx&rlkey=yxkx7ptbwmaro0xtw7y5lpxz1&st=7cwkbhu7