Toys for Tots Drive - Walk, bike, skate or drive by and drop off a new unwrapped toy at our tents located on the grass area south of Belmont Park between 8:00 and Noon or for your convenience you can purchase toys on Amazon and have them shipped to the MBTC and we will deliver to the Toys for Tots drive. You can pick from the toys listed or pick other toys you choose. Order using the following link and it will be shipped directly to the MBTC.
Beach Cleanup - look for our tents located on the grass area south of Belmont Park between 8:00 and Noon. Gloves, pickers and buckets will be provided. Great opportunity for student's to fulfill community service requirements. You can register in advance at
Blood Drive - look for the San Diego Blood Bank vans in the north parking lot of Belmont Park between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. Donors will receive a voucher for a FREE Entree (up to $14.00) courtesy of the Broken Yolk. Walk Ins welcome or make an appointment at