On Monday November 14th the city council will consider removing the requirement for Coastal Commission approval of the Street Vending Ordinance which has held up enforcement in our community and the other communities in the coastal zone. If approved, there will be a second reading on December 6th with enforcement to finally begin 30 days later.
We should not assume that it is a slam dunk that the city council will approve removing the requirement. The vending community will doubtlessly put up strong opposition to this and may request other amendments to the street vending ordinance. Any amendments will further delay enforcement.
We should support the removal of the Coastal Commission approval requirement WITHOUT any amendments to the ordinance approved by the city council on May 22nd.
The Mission Beach community has spoken out and been heard for the past year and it vital that this continues.
Every voice is needed, PLEASE do not be complacent. There are four different ways you can contribute. Please do two of the following. The list is in order of effectiveness.
1. Come to the city council hearing on November 14th and speak in person. (Probably 2:00 pm this will be updated) prepare a one minute speech. (yes, you will be there for a few hours but our community is worth it)
2. Attend the city council meeting via zoom and sign up to give a one minute speech. https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/1611703951
To join by telephone: Dial 1-669-254 5252 +
When prompted, input Webinar ID:161 170 3951 #
3. Public Comment may be submitted using the webform indicating the comment type and item number (if relevant) for which you wish to submit your comment. Comments received by 12:00 PM for Monday Meetings and 8:00 AM for Tuesday meetings will be distributed to the City Council and posted online with the meeting materials. All webform comments are limited to 500 words but may include attachments. Comments received after the deadlines described above but before the item is called will be submitted into the written record for the relevant item.
4. Do this as well as one of the above three
Send an email to the mayor’s office and EACH city council office
“in support of the removal of the Coastal Commission approval requirement WITHOUT any amendments to the street vending ordinance approved by the city council on May 22nd. By doing so the city council can ensure that our coastal parks and pathways can be enjoyed by the public as nature retreats unspoiled by commercial activities.
Thank you to the many of you who have spent a lot of time on this in the past, you MUST continue to do so that we can put this issue to bed once and for all.
Please follow the following instructions on the best way to send an email to all of the city council offices.
• Write one letter
• DO NOT identify your Council District or include your home address!
We want each City Official to think the letter writer is a constituent in their district.
• ALL NINE Council Members vote on every agenda item. Writing only to our specific Council Member does not accomplish the outcome we need when there are
NINE total votes being cast on every agenda item before City Council.
We need all Council Members on board!!!!!
• “Copy” your letter
• Click on the emails (live links) listed below
• Choose “Compose Email” highlighted in orange on the “live email link”
• “Paste” your letter and send separately to each Council Member and their Staff members listed below. Very easy!
Every email below is a “live link" that will produce an email template
Mayor Todd Gloria MayorToddGloria@sandiego.gov
DeputyDirector of Policy- Matt Yagyagan
Chief of Staff - Paola Avila-
Deputy Chief of Staff - Nick Serrano.
Community Rep D1 -Matthew Griffith
Community Rep D2 - Kohta Zaiser.
Directorof Policy - Jessica Lawrence.
D1 Council Member Joe La Cava JoeLaCava@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Vicky Joes vcjoes@sandiego.gov
Policy Director - Kathleen Ferrier kferrier@sandiego.gov Community Outreach Dir. - Steve Hadley srhadley@sandiego.gov
D2 Council Member Dr. Jennifer Campbell jennifercampbell@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Venus Molina vmmolina@sandiego.gov
D3 Council Member Stephen Whitburn StephenWhitburn@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Jesus Cardenas cardenasj@sandiego.gov
Director of Policy - Jacob O’Neill JMONeill@sandiego.gov
D4 Council President ProTem
Monica Montgomery-Steppe mmontgomerysteppe@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Henry Foster HLFoster@sandiego.gov
PSLN Committee Consultant
Tiffany Harrison THarrison@sandiego.gov
D5 Councilmember Marni von Wilpert MarnivonWilpert@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Jamie Fox jfox@sandiego.gov
Chief of Policy- Justin Garver jgarver@sandiego.gov
D6 Council Member Chris Cate chriscate@sandiego.gov
(619) 236-6616
Chief of Staff -Francis Barraza francisb@sandiego.gov
D7 Councilmember Raul Campillo RaulCampillo@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Michael Simonsen MSimonsen@sandiego.gov
` 619-236-6765
Chief of Policy-Justine Murray JRMurray@sandiego.gov
D8 Councilmember Vivian Moreno vivianmoreno@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Travis Knowles knowlest@sandiego.gov
Chief of Policy KevinSmith kssmith@sandiego.gov
D9 Council President Sean Elo-Rivera SeanEloRivera@sandiego.gov
Chief of Staff - Lydia Van Note LVanNote@sandiego.gov